
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Monday, December 27, 2010


I stand at the edge of my psychological brink; wobbling from my fears.
I gaze up and glimpse the torrent of pain and agony hit my face like tears.
I slip, falling over the edge into the cold, inky mass swirling below.
I feel a rush of regret as I let out a scream; but the only reply is an echo.
I fight; as I am being pulled under by unseen arms, gasping for air.
I paddle wildly to prevent myself from drowning in the sea of despair.
I allow myself to be carried by the current, falling into a hole I have dug.
I hit the floor, where I find my emotional cord; I grip it and pull the plug.

Monday, December 13, 2010


For far too long I have juggled the pieces of my shattered heart.
So afraid to drop them; I march in place as my life falls apart.
I have forgotten who I actually am; a custom facade for all occasions.
I hate my surreal existence of commingled true and false sensations.
Allowing myself to be molded and shaped as punishment for past sins.
Thirsty for serenity, I crumble; parched in the desert of my soul herein.
Is there a solution to my dilemma? I can’t see; as my future seems blurry.
Regardless; all I know is I can no longer be the person I am expected to be.