
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stranger Tides

I live a stranger’s life; the proverbial square peg in a world full of round holes.
Forced to drift from place to place like a puppet with strings no one controls.
I hope to discover where I belong; to finally feel peace and fill this empty soul.
Life passes swiftly as I attempt to keep up but my legs can only manage a stroll.
I yearn for the warmth of love but I fear my self imposed exile has taken its toll.
Foolish ideas for an ideal fool; some are made to suffer, I was made to console.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Room 157

I lay here broken with my mind, body and soul bloodied and bruised; unable to weep.
They stroll by unaware with glances of judgment, mixed with pity as I pretend to sleep.
It’s always at your lowest, weakest point that the fog fades and the world becomes clear.
Trapped in this sterile, bleak room I pray for a familiar voice; a “There, there; my dear.”
A building full of people and I could not feel more alone; banished from own existence.
Left with only my intense pain and shame; I wrestle with the phantoms of my conscience.
But my pride will never allow me to submit to the heartbreak; I cast away all of my fear.
I rise from my tomb reborn; as I leave behind my wretched form and finally shed a tear.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Life Questioned

What does it mean when you’re surrounded by lies and alone with the truth?
Where do you go when you live in a world of refinement; when you’re uncouth?
How do you muster the strength to carry on when the burden is far too great?
When do you get to the point of enough is enough as fiery love turns to icy hate?
Why do people pretend to care when clearly all that matters is their reflection?
Who do you blame with no one around? Now you have the answer to the question.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Forgotten Memory

By the time you read this I will have already cut my heart out of my chest.
You were too late to stop me from becoming what I am; lost and unblessed.
Save your concern, your tears and your words; all of it means nothing to me.
Unlike you, whose future is full of promise; mine is drenched in dishonesty.
Broken pledges line the dreary streets I travel, cutting my feet with each stride.
Alone on this journey; I bicker and confess to shadows; with no one to confide.
In time you will forget, I will merely be a memory; pushed aside on a whim.
All that’s left is a tale of a broken man searching for the peace stolen from him.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Stranger Holding My Hand

Like a deer in the headlights I stand mesmerized by the truth.
Believing me to be an open book was a lie since my youth.
All those that love me do not understand me; incomprehensible.
Never have I felt so alone and lost; who to blame when I am liable?
A stranger to every life I touch; nothing more than a passing thought.
Not worth the effort to know; I stand here surrounded but unsought.
If I truly am difficult to identify with; then perhaps alone is my curse.
Into the crowd I disappear, out of sight out of mind; nothing is worse.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To Whom It May Concern

To Whom It May Concern; if you are reading this I have already given up.
Please don’t be distressed, please remember me as I was; ignore the gossip.
To Whom It May Concern; I came into this world flawed and sadly defective.
Fought through the challenges and failed; may you find it in you to forgive.
To Whom It May Concern; sometimes goodbye is the only way to freedom.
Outside I hear the wind rustling the leaves; singing in my ear; my anthem.
To Whom It May Concern; I leave you now to fade into the dark of night.
Take comfort in the notion that we will meet again; for I will always fight.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Adieu to You

Such a significant impact on my life but I can’t remember your face anymore.
Taught me how to give, to receive, to love and to be human; yet I’m still unsure.
Left here too soon, left me alone; left behind a heart so broken I can’t carry on.
I strain trying to remember your smell, remember your touch; but you’re gone.
Promises made, promises kept in your honor; my only ties to your beautiful spirit.
Dead before you, alive with you; now I’m in-between without you – your sad poet.
Tears pour down as I finally find a mental imagine of you; long buried and misplaced.
I say my final goodbye to you; the man you loved died with you and has been replaced.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Heart's Prayer

I bask under the gleaming rays of the afternoon sun.
Eyes closed; my mind drifts to this gorgeous vixen.
Her familiar scent overtakes my senses; my heart races.
My body yearns for her heat; I reach to touch her face.
I find nothing but empty space, as I open my eyes to see.
Finding that I’m only chasing shadows; I pray for mercy.
Seeking a cure for my curse; my disease, my joy – love.
I love; love – the question and answer lie with the Power above.
No longer can I separate fact from fiction; real from dream.
As I am about to give up hope, in the distance I see a sunbeam.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


I left behind all my potential just to escape the pain.
Hacked out a piece of my heart to feed to my blame.
Left a void in my soul that can never be replenished.
Layed in a pool of emotional blood; dead and finished.
“What have I become?” I whisper as madness takes hold.
But there is no answer; only silence and a touch so cold.
I recoil from the invisible caress and retreat into my shell.
Is this my imagination or my reality? I can no longer tell.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

True Love

A lifetime of broken promises, lies and pain has brought me to your door.
I yearn to see your face, I crave to touch your skin, and I need much more.
Where did you come from, that I never felt you overwhelm my essence?
How did you bypass my iron defenses, why do I need to be in your presence?
My half filled heart feels whole for the first time and I wear a permanent grin.
It’s too perfect, I’m so scared and I want to run but that mistake would be a sin.
So I do the only thing left and that’s to let the love flow through me like a stream.
I close my eyes picturing you in my arms and hope this never ends; my dream.