
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Heart's Prayer

I bask under the gleaming rays of the afternoon sun.
Eyes closed; my mind drifts to this gorgeous vixen.
Her familiar scent overtakes my senses; my heart races.
My body yearns for her heat; I reach to touch her face.
I find nothing but empty space, as I open my eyes to see.
Finding that I’m only chasing shadows; I pray for mercy.
Seeking a cure for my curse; my disease, my joy – love.
I love; love – the question and answer lie with the Power above.
No longer can I separate fact from fiction; real from dream.
As I am about to give up hope, in the distance I see a sunbeam.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


I left behind all my potential just to escape the pain.
Hacked out a piece of my heart to feed to my blame.
Left a void in my soul that can never be replenished.
Layed in a pool of emotional blood; dead and finished.
“What have I become?” I whisper as madness takes hold.
But there is no answer; only silence and a touch so cold.
I recoil from the invisible caress and retreat into my shell.
Is this my imagination or my reality? I can no longer tell.