
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Life Questioned

What does it mean when you’re surrounded by lies and alone with the truth?
Where do you go when you live in a world of refinement; when you’re uncouth?
How do you muster the strength to carry on when the burden is far too great?
When do you get to the point of enough is enough as fiery love turns to icy hate?
Why do people pretend to care when clearly all that matters is their reflection?
Who do you blame with no one around? Now you have the answer to the question.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Forgotten Memory

By the time you read this I will have already cut my heart out of my chest.
You were too late to stop me from becoming what I am; lost and unblessed.
Save your concern, your tears and your words; all of it means nothing to me.
Unlike you, whose future is full of promise; mine is drenched in dishonesty.
Broken pledges line the dreary streets I travel, cutting my feet with each stride.
Alone on this journey; I bicker and confess to shadows; with no one to confide.
In time you will forget, I will merely be a memory; pushed aside on a whim.
All that’s left is a tale of a broken man searching for the peace stolen from him.