
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Room 157

I lay here broken with my mind, body and soul bloodied and bruised; unable to weep.
They stroll by unaware with glances of judgment, mixed with pity as I pretend to sleep.
It’s always at your lowest, weakest point that the fog fades and the world becomes clear.
Trapped in this sterile, bleak room I pray for a familiar voice; a “There, there; my dear.”
A building full of people and I could not feel more alone; banished from own existence.
Left with only my intense pain and shame; I wrestle with the phantoms of my conscience.
But my pride will never allow me to submit to the heartbreak; I cast away all of my fear.
I rise from my tomb reborn; as I leave behind my wretched form and finally shed a tear.