
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Ode to the Coward

How does such a pathetic wretch like you find your conceit?
Do you gaze in the mirror; so proud of your juvenile deceit?
Unfortunately in me; you have made an adversary so malicious.
Hiding in the dark with your fear, you chose to meddle; shameless.
You have no idea the rage you have awaken inside my heart.
For your cowardice, the penalty is to have your life torn apart.
I will expose what you really are to the world; petty and cheap.
My face will be the thing you see when you cry yourself to sleep.
Oh, poor little hypocrite how I almost pity you for what will transpire.
But in the end, the plan you tried to execute against me will backfire.