
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Change of Heart

There are people who believe there is merely but one.
The person who points your way to the endless sun.
The missing puzzle piece that makes them complete.
A rock that grants support when facing looming defeat.
What if one lost the matching half of their soul to fate?
Wandering hopelessly yearning on the road never straight.
But what if one’s heart could change shape and design.
Perhaps then another key would unlock the secret shine.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

What You've Done

Every time I think of you, my heart constantly skips a beat.
I picture your smile in my mind; your lips appear so sweet.
Your voice echoes in my vacant soul, reaching up to my ears.
I repeatedly dream of holding you; staying embraced for years.
My burning passion for you; drives me to the brink of madness.
I sit in the middle of this lonely room trying to escape the sadness.
My mind slips, “Was this the reason for all the suffering and pain.”
No longer can I lock away my heart; it’s no longer mine to contain.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Strangers; No More?

Oh, beautiful stranger; I don’t know you and you don’t know me.
Daily you pass by; I reflect on how you are so ridiculously pretty.
Focused and resolute; marching to war with a captivating smile.
Stylish and exquisite; with eyes revealing a mind of wit and guile.
In this crowded metropolis; something has drawn me to your soul.
The moment you caught my eye; something within had lost control.
Time to let these written words express; where the mouth would fail.
Perhaps we’ll no longer be strangers but if not; it’s still an amusing tale.