
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Phantom Pain

Ghost in flesh, haunting lives I touch.
Fluxing presence that no one can see.
Quickly connected but easily forgotten.
Hostage of the soul, yearning to be free.
I tell myself that I do not need anyone.
The sad truth is no one really needs me.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Dark Sojourner

Sprawled across the distressed and stained tattered carpet.
Rests the wretched remnants of the non-dearly departed.
Shadows stay coiled around, providing its lasting embrace.
Eyes, glaring blankly into the ether; Eternal grin upon the face.
Forgotten elation and agony hide in the crypt of the king of fools.
If daring, step deeper into the abyss; here lies treasure of no jewels.
Swill from the chalice of anguish; taste the bittersweet essence.
Survival of this age old test brings you peace in its quintessence.