
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Get up

We, the people, discover new and innovative ways to over-complicate.
While life.at its core, is simple without the need to over-compensate.
We frequently lie to “loved ones,” speaking excuses lacking sincerity.
Preferably, try a hard truth admitting they are just not currently a priority.
When actions and words conflict, the confusion and chaos bring pain.
Even the kindest, well meaning gestures can hide the malice they contain.
This journey can be severe and disheartening but there is glorious hope.
Alone we carry the strength to face any adversity even at the end of your rope.
Be your own hero. Rock bottom isn’t always the end, it’s a setback; a hiccup.
A brutal, kind soul enlightened me; “Nobody is coming to save you. Get up.”