
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


For only an instant; I felt what it was to be like you.
I gaze at the threshold of my madness, in full view.
Love’s seductive warmth of desires overflow my senses.
Only to be rejected; blocked by my invisible defenses.
The familiar cold dead numbness is all I am left behind.
A heart split between joy and pain is my fate; entwined.
There’s no cure for my disease but there is a medication.
Disappearance is the prescription that relieves the tension.
It is only in the act of leaving behind all, that I’m reborn.
This choice is far better the alternative of being lovelorn.
Similar to an illusionist; one moment I’m there the next I’m gone.
Don’t be angry with this choice made for me; I’m only a pawn.

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