
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Soul Fatigue

What is it to be beyond tired?
To surpass physical endurance.
To have an exhausted soul.

My tank is empty, I am running on fumes.

What is it to no longer care?
To look in the mirror confused.
To see one's life has taken its toll.

My tank is empty, I am running on fumes.

What is it to be truly happy?
To be loved for whom you are.
To have a heart full of life and whole.

My tank is empty, I am running on fumes.

I close my eyes, see darkness and feel its embrace.
Here I am free, here I can rest and here is home.
Here I find the peace and love someone stole.

My tank is empty, I am running on fumes.

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