
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Whispers in My Ear

You opened up and took a chance, only to be denied.
What did you expect? You stole, you cheated and you lied.
You attempted desperately to fill the emptiness in your heart.
Why do care? Every attempt ends with you alone, broken apart.
You tried so hard to be like them but the silly charade had to end.
How long did you think it would last? Children dream and play pretend.
You started to believe your own lies and forgot you are an empty shell.
When will you learn? In your sick, bitter heart; only coldness dwells.
You laid in the dark, swimming in your regret; waiting to drown.
Where do you think you can hide? Give up, time to shutdown.
You struggled but in the end you willingly chose to succumb.
Who would accept you? You are twisted, weak and numb.

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