
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Split Personality

I exist with opposite polarities; my soul is at constant civil war.
Chaos rules as they wrestle for control; shaking me to my core.
Here; the idealist, a bleeding heart romantic; seeking love’s highs.
There; the realist, a raging cynic; knowing of selfishness and lies.
Half of me cares too much and sacrifices himself to bring a smile.
Half of me doesn’t care at all, wanting to escape and live in exile.
Every moment I struggle to find a balance that will bring serenity.
But this is a hopeless dream as inner turmoil is forever my reality.
I stand here on the verge of madness; head swimming in disarray.
I can’t save myself; but maybe someone else will save me one day.

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