
Hey all,

here's my little place to rattle off my thoughts, hope you enjoy.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Your Welcome

The natural course of the universe dictates balance.
Whether you agree or not; you must admit it makes sense.
For good there is evil, for love there is hate, for pleasure there is pain.
Every caress has its cold shoulder; every ray of sun has its drops of rain.
What makes you believe you're entitled to a fairy tale happy ending?
While your dreams come true some of us are cursed to suffer never-ending.
Balance must be kept; all must accept the fact that happiness comes at a price.
You are the happy couple just married driving away, we are the birds choking on the rice.
You call us cynical, pessimistic, melodramatic, negative, depressing and not of the norm.
You fault us for expressing our true emotions and you arrogantly try to make us transform.
The suffering of one is a tragedy…the suffering of millions is just a shock…Your Welcome

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